A grain complex in the Odesa region is up for auction

28 Jun 2022 A grain complex in the Odesa region is up for auction

In Izmail, Odesa region, a grain complex located near the Orlivka-Isakcha international ferry was put up for electronic auction, as announced by the Prozorro.Sales auction platform. The complex of buildings and structures for production and storage is located in the Odesa region, Izmail, Aerodromne Shosse, 2B. In the immediate vicinity of the Odesa-Reni-Bucharest highway – an international transport corridor (25 km to the Ukraine-Romania Orlivka-Isakcha ferry). The starting price of the lot is UAH 50M ($1.7M). The complex includes warehouses and technological buildings and structures with a total area of ​​approximately 5,000 square meters. The complex’s territory has an area of ​​3.6 hectares with a railway branch, in-plant highways, a weighing terminal, a customs control zone, and a customs-licensed warehouse with an area of ​​900 square meters. The auction for the sale of the complex is on June 30.